I’m pretty sure it’s glycolysis.
generation 1
The allele frequency is a term that represents the frequency that an allele can appear in a given population. This term can help to develop conclusions about the genetic diversity that a region presents in relation to the individuals that compose it.
In relation to the question above, generation 1 had the highest frequency of having one of each allele. This is because this generation presents the maximum frequency of the dominant and recessive alleles in a coherent way, 0.60 and 0.40. However, the other generations showed a steady and progressive decrease in the recessive allele.
Well, where are you? It's probably because we're all under quarantine. Social distancing sucks, you start to go crazy being alone. I'm sure it's just because you can't go do things or interact with people.
The resulting cells will not receive the correct number of chromosomes in the gametes, a condition known as aneuploidy.
Formation of functional microtubule spindle fibers and their attachment to kinetochores of chromosomes is required to ensure their alignment st the cell's equator during metaphase. During anaphase, shortening of these microtubules pulls the chromosomes to the opposite poles. These events ensure the distribution of the correct number of chromosomes among the daughter cells. The presence of defective microtubules would not allow proper distribution of chromosomes to the daughter cells and would result in the presence of an abnormal number of chromosomes (aneuploidy).