The quote means that Atticus is a great man who stands behind what he says and does, behaving the same in public as he does in his home. Unlike him, the others are two-faced, for example, publicly attacking Tom Robinson, while believing in the comfort of their homes that he might be innocent.
An adverb clause is a dependent clause which cannot exist on its own, it has to be a part of the main, independent clause. So, having that in mind, the only dependent clause among these examples is 'when you return from California'. Therefore, the correct answer is B.
Logic is a sentence that evaluates arguments, a premise is a statement in an argument that provides reason or support for the conclusion they can be one or many promises in a single argument conclusion is a statement in an argument that indicates of what the arguer is trying to convince the reader or listener.
because the newer the better
because it has at least one independent clause with a subject and verb combination