I think It’s the skeletal system gives a body shape or form and helps you to both protect the support the entire organism bone Cartlidge tendons joints ligaments and other tissues
Cry but remanence
It's okay to cry, especially in these situations. Cry as much as you need and if you ever feel suicidal or just need someone to talk to then find a hotline. There are many communities/platforms that contain people that have been through the same situation.
Remanence, remember all the good things/times you had! Know that as soon as they are out then you'll get to make more memories and have more fun times. You can listen to their favorite song, make up a welcome back song, look at pictures, visit places you went, ETC.
torn muscle fibers
due to heavy exercise your muscle fibre start having small micro muscle tears
<span>The correct answer here is A - in the situation listed above, the reason you would try to change or break your habits would be a concern for your risk factors. If you do not pass the machines selling pop, the temptation will not be there to consume a product that is bad for your health.</span>
I eat three meals a day with family.