Bogus generally means fake or "not genuine", here are a few examples of how to use bogus in a sentence.
The idea that global warming is not real is bogus.
You are a liar because you consistently tell me bogus statements.
A. Revenue is the total amount producers receive after selling a good. Profit is the total amount producers earn after subtracting the production costs.
Revenue alludes to the measure of cash your business is accepting as installments from your clients previously any expenses or costs are deducted. It is appeared at the best thing of the pay explanation from which all charges, costs, costs are deducted to get the benefit of the association. Profit is the surplus staying after all out expenses are deducted from absolute income.
The need for affiliation corresponds to the belongingness level of needs in abrahm maslow's hierarchy of needs. Belongingness is the third level of needs in abrahm maslow's hierarchy of needs. The third level represents the social need for affiliation, also known as love and belonging.
The correct answer is 11.90
Explanation: Circumference is a geometric shape with a circular shape that is part of analytical geometry studies. Note that all points in a circle are equidistant from its radius.