The correct answer to your question is glue
The government controlled agriculture through collective farms.
The answer is Anglo conformity view which is letter b. This is the predisposition of immigrants to be unable to find much of their native cultural heritage and follow significantly to the core Anglo-Protestant culture of the United States. Immigration has been a continuing and significant source of growth and development for the United States. Attitudes near these new arrivals, both legal and illegal, have diverse with time and circumstances. One continuous concern has been the integration of immigrants, who are often compulsory to seek acceptance by means of Anglo conformity.
There is a chance that people won't be able to relate to the proverbs: then the effect will be very small.
But if people can relate to the proverbs, they could be inspired, for example if they are afraid to act, they could derive courage from the proverbs.
People can also feel less lonely, if the proverbs express their feelings: then they will know they are not the only ones to feel the way they feel
A significant understanding of international trade theory is that when countries interchange goods and services one with the other, it is usually beneficial to both countries. In relation to international economics, if there are huge differences in wage levels among countries then trade is probable to be harmful to neither country. The cost and benefit analysis of international trade emphases consideration on engagements of interest in countries. Since the end of world war II, the interpretation contained by the advances democracies regarding the quantity of trade has lately been interrogated by a largely political movement collected of traditional nationalists and new ideologues.