Because each duplicated chromosome consists of two identical sister chromatids joined at a point called the centromere, these structures now appear as X-shaped bodies when viewed under a microscope. Several DNA binding proteins catalyze the condensation process, including cohesin and condensin.
It's hard to explain but it would like, be less wild than the seasons we have today.
Genome mapping is used to identify and record the location of genes and the distances between genes on a chromosome. Genome mapping provided a critical starting point for the Human Genome Project. Sequenced DNA fragments can be aligned to the genome map to aid with the assembly of the genome.
By inducing mutations, scientists have been able to increase genetic variation, which breeders depend on to produce crops with desirable traits, such as resistance to diseases and insects. ... Mutations can be induced in a variety of ways, such as by exposure to ultraviolet or ionizing radiation or chemical mutagens.
They are usually held out for a period of FOUR TO SIX WEEKS after diagnosis. Splenomegaly is an infectious disease that corrupt the spleen and the enlarged spleen usually persist even after all the symptoms have disappeared. Because of this, athletes should not resume active exercise too soon. Generally, the shortest period after which it is okay to resume active exercise is four weeks after all the symptoms have gone.
The answer is Sold radiation