Step-by-step explanation:
La cantidad numérica es donde escribes la cantidad del cheque con números/dígitos. Escribe los dólares en forma numérica y luego indica los centavos después del punto decimal. En el ejemplo a continuación, los dólares son ciento veinticinco (125) y los centavos son setenta y cinco (. 75).

Step-by-step explanation:
To find the area of a triangle, we can use the formula of:

This formula comes from the area of a rectangle, because a triangle is half a rectangle.

Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1: Apply exponent rule: 

Step 2: Multiply fractions: 

Step 3: Simplify

The result is 
Explicación paso a paso:
Paso 1: aplique la regla del exponente:
Paso 2: multiplica fracciones:
Paso 3: simplifica
El resultado es 
The domain is the lowest and highest x value. Therefore you must find the end value which you can do by multiplying the difference in the sequence by the number to get 6x31=186. Since you already have the first row you add 186 to that and get 254. So your domain is [68,254], and it represents the total seats in the concert hall.
That would be a scalene triangle.