12.4 is the answer for both
A - a removes both a’s from equation, then you’re left with b + bsquared, since they are unknown values you cannot combine them, even if it is the same letter, you can only add and subtract unknown values with their same letters together.
X/4 = r3 or 3/4
x/3 = r2 or 2/3
x/5 = r3 or 3/5
we know x is not divisible by 4 3 or 5 and is less than 30.
we know the value ends in 3 or 8 from x/5 = r3
we know the value is greater than 3 from r3
so far we got 13 and 23
13 is eliminated from x/4 = r3 because it is r1 not r3
so the answer is 23
Is there an option for (14,8)? It's rise over run