Answer: 1. Audience
2. Chain
3. Litter
1. The (audience) seemed particularly attentive whenever she was on stage.
2. They pulled the car into an Italian chain restaurant.
3. Even puppies from the same (litter) may react differently when they are ill.
Note that:
Audience are the listeners in a play film etc.
Litters refers to young animals that are born to a particular parent.
It suggests the role that the pirate plays in causing the accident.
The appropriate answer would be C. It could lead to other health issues.
Omniscient narrator should be the answer.
onal opinion of everything about each of those two classes except the material you're learning: the teacher, the textbooks, the classroom, the time of day, the person you sit next to, etc. Write an essay that weighs these factors against one another and that comes to a conclusion about how much these factors influence your strong positive and negative feelings about these two school subjects