A fertility doctor is a reproductive endocrinologist — a physician who practices a subspecialty of obstetrics and gynecology called reproductive endocrinology and infertility (REI). REI is an area of medicine that addresses hormonal functioning as it pertains to reproduction and infertility in both women and men.
The answer is B.Start running in hilly areas or trails. Hope this helps!
I am an organ donor. I believe that if my body can make someone survive an illness (cancer/leukemia) or recover from a condition such as blindness or a missing limb, then It is my duty to allow for that to happen. When I die, my soul will go on but my body will just rot so why not let someone use up what they can. I am especially strong in my opinion when dealing with pediatric illnesses. If a child needs my lungs or my kidneys, they should take them and live a long life. After I pass, they are useless to me!
Two easy test possible at home are:
- <u>Step test and one mile run.</u>
- simple and reasonably quick to perform.
- Provide valid information on aerobic fitness.
Perquisites :
- A 12-inch tall step.
- A stopwatch or timer.
- Metronome.
How to perform the test?
- Start by setting the metronome to 96 beats per minute. Ensure its audible so you can hear each beat.
Once set, start your timer and begin stepping on and off the step to the metronome beat for 3 minutes. Ensure you maintain a consistent pace and do not stop to catch your breath during the test.
- When the timer clocks 3 minutes, stop the routine and sit while maintaining an upright posture. Record your heart rate for 60 seconds counting each beat. For more accuracy begin recording as soon as you can after stopping the exercise.
- The 1-Mile Walk Test requires the participant to walk one mile in the quickest possible time, and using post exercise heart rate to estimate VO2max.
- 1 mile= 1.6 Kilometers