When you are good at the evaluative criteria,you are capable to understand the process.
When you are excellent you can understand in a high way you can identify better, make some changes and see in another perspective what was said before. This will make difference in the way of which one will have in the process and how it will continue.
When broadcasting live on social, keep in mind that the best broadcasts are ones that feel like a conversation between brand and viewer. Unlike other forms of social video, you’ll get more views and engagement if your video i<u>s longer and repeats key points.</u>
- The power of repetition is very convincing and Focusing more on the key points ensures that the speaker of the video wants the viewers to know more about the topic rather than simply increase the video views.
- The video viewers are actually the layman's ,who might not have any idea about the topic .So making long video's and providing explanation on key topics help the viewers to understand the concept in a better way
Surely Job satisfaction is directly related to task performance. The better your task is done better will be your self esteem and self confident
i am not indian...but maybe giving equality to those have different casts and social decrimination
for example looking down on others who are poor as law cast people..so the must have enforced equal laws for all of the citizens .... giving equality religion wise etc