I am pretty sure that the answer is A.
Protein kinases regulate the cell cycle by giving the "go-ahead" or "stop" signal at checkpoints in the cycle. A mutation/disruption in the protein kinases can result in it not doing its job properly. As a result, it can give the 'go-ahead' signal to all cells (mutated or not) to continue through the cell cycle. A distrupted kinase will infleunce the enviornment for a cancer cell as the cancer cell can continue to divide continuously.
I do not think the answer is D because G-couped receptirs are not involed in the regulation of the cell cycle. Additionally, I do not think the answer is C since the production of cAMP (a secondary messgenger amplifies transduction signals; this doesn't have anything to do with cancer?) Finally, between A and B I know that a direct result of cancer is due to a distruption in either protien kinases or growth factors (not in the answer choices). Since one of the factors that leads to cancer is present in answer choice A, I think that is the one. However, this is just my reasoning, I am not 100% sure!
Transform boundary
strike-slip faults- Shearing creates strike-slip faults. Transform boundary. In a strike-slip fault, the rocks on either side of the fault slip past each sideways, with little up or down motion.
Most probably it would die. Or would be harder for it to live.
On daily basis, as most of the cells die and new cells are formed by cell division. If an organism lost the ability to perform cell division it would die.