Msinfo32.exe, cmd
The msinfo.exe is a tool that gathers information concerning your computer system and displays a comprehensive view of your system components, hardware, and software environment, that can later be use to diagnose computer issues.
Command Prompt is an interpreter application for command line which is available in nearly all Windows operating systems. It is utilized for executing entered commands.
Technology > Network report. All traffic > Source/Medium report.
hope this helps
In Javascript, you can accept an input value by using the prompt() function and saving the input into a variable. In the following lines of code, I have declared the three variables at the beginning and then prompted the user to enter a value for each and saved the values in the correct variables. In Javascript length is a keyword so I used len instead.
let base, height, len;
base = prompt("Enter Base value: ");
height = prompt("Enter Height value: ");
len = prompt("Enter Length value: ");
The following pseudocode for this method using operations of the ADT list would be the following
swap(aList, indexI, indexJ) {
initialize temp_variable = Retrieve(indexI, aList)
Insert(Retrieve(indexJ, aList), indexI, aList)
Insert(Retrieve(indexI, aList), temp_variable, aList)
This code basically saves the aList index of i , into a temporary Variable. Then it sets the aList index of i to the value of the element in index of j. Then it does the same for the index of j with the tem_variable. If we assume that the indexes of i and j exist, then it can crash our entire program if those indexes are missing from the list when we try to access them.
<span>B. users vote on the relevance of the source, which affects whether it will appear in future searches. </span>