Let's say you need to remember some information, the way moviegoers tried to remember the name of the movie. Instead of storing it in your human memory, you can store information in your computer's memory using Python. This is called assigning a string value to a variable.
To assign a string value to a variable in Python, follow this example. Select each part of the code to see how it works with the movie title example.
movieTitle = "Live. Die. Repeat."
This line of Python code is an example of an assignment statement. In an assignment statement, you tell Python, "This variable is assigned this string value."
Step 1: Visit and log in with your Apple ID and password
At the same time, a window also pops up on iDevice
you need to click "Allow"
Copy the code from your phone to
Step 2: Once signed in, select Settings on homepage
Step 3: Click "Manage" Apple ID.
Step 4: You will be directed to another site –
input your password to log in and verify it with Apple ID verification code.
Step 5: Then you will enter the manage page.
Click "Edit" in Security column.
Step 6: Click "Turn Off Two-Factor Authentication"
then confirm it.
Step 7: Then you need to select your security questions and answer them
click "Continue" after confirming your birthday and rescue email.
After all of these steps, you have turned off two factor authentication for Apple ID successfully.
Source :
its better to know your password :))
Researches at symantec have uncovered a version of the stuxnet computer virus that was used to attack irans nuclear program in November.