A. amount of precipitation, average temperature
Precipitation and average temperature are factors that climate includes. These factors are determined by other factors such as location of an area(like how far a place is from large bodies of water like the sea), ocean currents, lattitude (distance from the equator), winds (prevailing winds) , topography (such as mountains) and the like.
nope its a myth don't worry :)
MW of NaOH = 40 g/mol
MW of KCl = 74.55 g/mp;
250 mL = .25 L
100g NaOH / 40 g = 25 mol
100g KCl/ 74.55g = 1.34 mol
Molarity of NaOH: 25/.25 = 100M
Molarity of KCl: 1.34/.25 = 5.36 M
Mass of chemical = 1.5 mg
Step 1: First calculate the concentration of the stock solution required to make the final solution.
Using C1V1 = C2V2
C1 = concentration of the stock solution; V1 = volume of stock solution; C2 = concentration of final solution; V2 = volume of final solution
C1 = C2V2/V1
C1 = (6 * 25)/ 0.1
C1 = 1500 ng/μL = 1.5 μg/μL
Step 2: Mass of chemical added:
Mass of sample = concentration * volume
Concentration of stock = 1.5 μg/μL; volume of stock = 10 mL = 10^6 μL
Mass of stock = 1.5 μg/μL * 10^6 μL = 1.5 * 10^6 μg = 1.5 mg
Therefore, mass of sample = 1.5 mg
This law states that the physical and chemical properties of the elements are the periodic function of their atomic masses. This means that when the elements are arranged in the order of their increasing atomic masses, the elements with similar properties recur at regular intervals.