(mă-lāz′, -lĕz′)
1. A vague feeling of bodily discomfort, as at the beginning of an illness.
2.Malaise is a general feeling of discomfort, illness, or lack of well-being.
Please see the answers below in bold type.
1. The scientific study of joints is called arthrology. From the Greek <em>Arthron</em>, joint or articulation. This science studies the anatomy and the function as well as the diseases and treatments associated with joints, such as arthritis.
2. The structural classification of joints divides all joints into three types: cartilaginous, synovial and fibrous. This depends on what tissue the joint is constituted by and on the presence or not of a cavity on one bone where the other one fits. In this case, the only exception is synarthrosis, which is one of the three types of joint (synarthrosis, diarthrosis and amphiarthrosis) in the functional classification of joints.
3. Slightly movable joints are classified as amphiarthrosis. This slight movement is the result of hyaline cartilage that connects the bones. An example is the ribs that are connected to the sternum. The cartilage allows the rib cage to move slightly, for example it expands somewhat when you inhale as you breathe.
4. A synarthrosis, from the Greek <em>syn</em> = together or joined, and <em>arthron</em> a joint, meaning a fused or immobile joint. The only immobile joint listed here is the gomphosis, as the skull suture in infants has cartilage which allows for some movement. A gomphosis is a peg-and-socket joint, and the only example is the tooth. The root of the tooth is the peg which is inserted into its socket.
Each nephron is composed of a renal corpuscle (glomerulus within Bowman's capsule), a proximal tubule (convoluted and straight components), an intermediate tubule (loop of Henle), a distal convoluted tubule, a connecting tubule, and cortical, outer medullary, and inner medullary collecting ducts.
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