i think it helps
sorry there was someone else rude as heck messaging and responding I couldn't see their screen name
what isig naame
oh okay
I have sent dm
i dont know your name there
The main benefit of the ordered list is that you can apply Binary Search( O( n log n) ) to search the elements. Instead of an unordered list, you need to go through the entire list to do the search( O(n) ).
The main cost of the ordered list is that every time you insert into a sorted list, you need to do comparisons to find where to place the element( O( n log n) ). But, every time you insert into an unsorted, you don't need to find where to place the element in the list ( O(1) ). Another cost for an ordered list is where you need to delete an element, you have an extra cost rearranging the list to maintain the order.
sentence = "hello wow a stores good"
same_letter_count = 0
sentence_list = sentence.split()
for s in sentence_list:
if s[0] == s[-1]:
same_letter_count += 1
*The code is in Python.
Initialize the sentence with a string
Initialize the same_letter_count as 0
Split the sentence using split method and set it to the sentence_list
Create a for loop that iterates through the sentence_list. If the first and last of the letters of a string are same, increment the same_letter_count by 1
When the loop is done, print the same_letter_count
The value of 8n would be 16
8(2)= 16
(uhh this is a math question right? Sorry if it has to deal with tech)