I can help with two.
Web Scripting Virus, A sneaky virus that targets popular websites. What this virus does is overwrite code on a website and insert links that can install malicious software on your device. Web scripting viruses can steal your cookies and use the information to post on your behalf on the infected website.
FILE INFECTOR, targeting executable files (.exe), file infector viruses slow down programs and damage system files when a user runs them.
For the answer to the question above asking, what h<span>ybrid processors that can process 32 bits or 64 bits are known by what term?
I think you are referring to the Chipset. and they are Manufactured by Intel and Advance Micro Devices (AMD). Intel's Pentium is the first one to have 32 bits and 64 bits of processors.</span>
A trojan horse is software that appears to be benign but does something other than expected.