If than however any divided by 2 is in .
But it is not so simple.
If is odd then is even but when even number is divided by 2, you get an odd number which is in .
However if is even then is odd and when we divide that by 2, you get a number like for example which is not in but rather inside . There are fortunately no irrational numbers.
There is also a problem with zero, zero is neither odd nor even but still an integer. If your happens to be -1, , and zero divided by 2 is still just 0 which is in .
So to sum up,
If is odd and not -1, then .
Or to put it in math .
If is even or -1, then .
Or to put it in math .
is a set of integers.
is a set of rational numbers.
means integers are a subset of rational numbers, that is, every integer is a also a fraction, however not every fraction is an integer.
Hope this helps :)