<span>When dehydration occurs, urination is going to be less frequent. Why? Because the body needs to store as much water as it currently has available to it. So it answer the question, urine is reabsorbed back into the body. This is a difficult question to be specific, because the body will reabsorb it into whatever needs it then most at any given time. Tissues, organs, you name it. It's a matter of the body trying to keep itself functional and alive. The correct answer is KIDNEYS.</span>
Drowsiness, inability to think or move accordingly to the correct lanes or drive in a direct line.
Older adults, with the exception of those who require a fluid restriction, should consume at least 1500 mL of fluid per day.
Life goal? Make a chart, or have some type of meter that watches your steps.
I don't really understand this question..
You should not exercise in the cold because it's really bad for your bones, and you will get dehydrated and pass out if you're exercising in extreme heat.