The Central Nervous System
The amygdala is the primary brain area regulating appetite with response to emotions.
TAC: Treatment Action Campaign
TAC is an organization in South Africa. It campaigns for the access of HIV/AIDS treatment for the people.
South Africa has been identified as one of the countries with the most number of people who are HIV/AIDS positive. Because of this, TAC initiated campaigns for access of HIV/AIDS treatments that will be funded by the government.
One of the achievement of TAC happened in 2002 when the Constitutional Court ruled that the South African government provide anti-retroviral drugs.
Anti-retroviral drugs are to be taken by pregnant women who are AIDS positive. These drugs are designed to prevent the transmission of AIDS from the mother to their babies during childbirth.
After a workout, your body needs time to rest and repair itself from the previous workout. According to the Mayo Clinic, running too far too often, lifting too much weight or simply pushing yourself too far can lead to muscle strains and sprains, shin splints, and stress fractures.