I know them in Spanish
Esta formado por los 206 huesos repartidos por casi todas las partes del cuerpo. Que permiten el aparato locomotor Que pueden ser largos, cortos, planos Que forman el esqueleto y proteccion para los organos internos Que se unen en tejido oseo, y tejido cartilaginoso Que son la columna vertebral, craneo, y pelvis
Ovaries, Uterus, Testes
Ovaries are what carry the Zygote's (eggs) and the Uterus is where a fertelized grows into a baby. If the egg is not fertilized in a certain amount of time the egg becomes infertile, the body goes through a 3-7 day cycle of menstruation. The Testes are the organs (balls) which carry sperm cells, which will fertilized a healthy egg.
(705/224) / (224/224)
224/224 = 1.
So (705/224) / (224/224) = (705/224) / (1/1).
Dividing 2 fractions is equal to multiplying the first fraction by the inverse of the second:
(705/224) / (1/1) = (705/224) * (1/1) = 705/224.
Hope this Helps! :)