if you mean the word; its confluence
In geography, a confluence (also: conflux) occurs where two or more flowing bodies of water join together to form a single channel. [1] A confluence can occur in several configurations: at the point where a tributary joins a larger river (main stem); or where two streams meet to become the source of a river of a new name (such as the confluence of the Monongahela and Allegheny rivers at Pittsburgh, forming the Ohio); or where two separated channels of a river (forming a river island) rejoin at the downstream end.
The Final agreement of the two countries were to maintain US base in Okinawa Japan, and US promised Japan a bilateral security pact
There are three ways to separate a run-on sentence: use a semicolon, use a comma and a conjunction, or put a period and capitalize the first letter in the next word. In this case, we have to do the final option, because we have to make two separate sentences; the other options will make a compound sentence.
1. Queen Elizabeth I knighted Raleigh, and he was appointed captain of the Queen's guard. He later set sail on an unsuccessful search of El Dorado, the legendary city of gold.
In this case, we put a period after 'guard' and capitalize the 'h' in 'he' because that is the point where the sentence can be separated into two complete sentences.
2. Queen Elizabeth liked Raleigh, however, her successor, King James I, did not. In 1603, he was accused of plotting against the king and sentenced to death, but only served 12 years.
We separate this sentence between 'not' and 'in' for the same reasons that we separated the first. That is the part of the sentence where it can be separated into two sentences that function on their own.
Hope this helps!
In 2003, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed that in determining any risk, regulators should assume children have 10 times the exposure risk of adults to cancer-causing chemicals. Some health scientists contends that these guidelines are too weak. They suggest that, to be on safe side, we should assume that the risk of harm from toxins is 100 times that of adults. Others support doing this on ethical grounds, they say it is wrong not to give children much greater protection from harmful chemicals in the environment.
"To proclaim to the defenders of the Alamo that no quarter would be given. "