which of the following can be transferred to another person by respiratory droplets
A.asthma No, caused by hereditary/environmental factors
B.emphysema No, comes from lung irritants
C,pneumonia Yes, spread by droplets. It is not always contagious though.
D.tubercolosis Yes, spread by droplets
Conflict avoidance is when one deliberately goes around or stays away from a conflict. Changing the subject that one wants to avoid is an example of this. Conflict confrontation is when one deliberately handles a conflict directly. (Communication with and listening to the opposing party for an example.) Conflict resolution is when a conflict or issue is resolved amicably by both parties involved.
1. Patients have more control over their medical records2. Patients are able to make informed choices about use of their PHI3. Boundaries are set on use and release of health records4. Safeguards established so that healthcare providers must protect privacy of health information5. Violators are held accountable and face both civil and criminal penalties6.Public health is protected by balance struck between public responsibility and disclosure of PHIBenefits provided by HIPAA Privacy Rule to patients or providers:-Personal health information, related to patient-Protected health information, related to information transmitted electronically