The broker is doing two different jobs; so it is okay to have two different licenses.
In this case, since the broker is doing two different jobs then it is okay for him to have two different licenses. In a hypothetical case that the individual Broker was doing the same job role for two different companies then that would be considered a form of conflict of interest and may cause problems with both firms in the future. Since this is not the case, then he should not have any problem.
Experiential is the term which is defined as something experiential and it comes from the real world or from experience. It is the procedure of learning through a experience, which is particularly stated as learning by reflection on doing.
So, in this case, the Quentin checks into a hotel, where on arriving he realizes that grounded on expectations, he is not thrilled with the experience. Therefore, this kind of purchase is defined as experiential.
Nantell's operating income (EBIT) will increase., because now the company will record lower depreciation expense in the income statement due to increase in the life from 5 to 7 taken for the depreciation purposes. So decline in depreciation will result in higher EBIT.
a. is wrong as lower depreciation means higher net income.
b. is wrong as tax liability will not get impacted as tax will follows old method of depreciation.
c. is incorrect as depreciation is non cash expense thus does not impact cash position and tax has already be on the earlier method.
e. is incorrect as increase in EBIT will result in higher taxable income.
hence option D is the only correct option
correct option is a. not fully integrated
As per given in question we know Farmers Produce and Growers Market case delivery locally grown fruit and vegetables
so here it is a critical aspect to certain that all deals point discussed to be enter in to the final contract
and that the word precisely reflect the deal is a fully integrated contract that will have a clause
clause = Entire Agreement
clause = Integration
so here correct option is a. not fully integrated