To find the percentage, simply divide the smaller number to the larger number. In this situation, we divide 608 million by 845 million, which will get you:
0.719526627219. At this point, move the decimal place 2 places to the right to get the percent form of the decimal. Let's also round this decimal up.
After you move the decimal place, it's now 71.9526627219, and if we round it to the nearest 10th, it would be 71.95%.
In conclusion, the percent is 71.95%.
Hope this helps!
Interference for regression
Interference for regression is the most suitable statistical test to use to find out if there is any link between number of missed classes and the final test scores.
Because those two variables are related and student test score can be predicted using number of classes that are missed.
The thousandth place is 4, which is less than 5 ⇒ Discard
339.4749 ≈ 339.47
Answer: 339.47
bear in mind that the continuously compounding interest is just that, a daily compounding cycle, taking a year as 365days.
1) 4
2) 16
3) 16
4) 6
6) 4