we can also say mukhiya who are head of any group or committee .
This precise moment is the climax of the story, a decisive point when the women found out that Mrs. Wright was guilty.
Mrs Hale would have an expression of disgust and amazement, with her hand on the mouth and her head turned to one side; next to her would be Mrs Peters, who was looking for evidence into the basket. With the discovery she also reacted with eyes wide opened and disapproval.
Light could be used on the box where the canary was found, then on the women’s faces. This fact would give more effectiveness to this scene.
The supreme court introduced a two-part test, known as the "Sherbert" test (or balancing test) to determine whether the government was violating an individual's "free exercise" of religion.
The Sherbert test guarantees that government doesn't take unjustified activities that obstruct a man's religious flexibility. The United States court framework has embraced the Sherbert test to decide whether the legislature has fittingly allowed or denied joblessness benefits in light of the job one's religion had in his or her job loss.
The test causes the courts to decide whether the individual's case of having a true religious conviction is exact and if the administration's activities load a man's capacity to follow up on his or her convictions. Moreover, the test requires the administration to decide whether it has acted to the state's advantage and on the off chance that it has done as such in a way that is slightest prohibitive to a man's religion.
The answer is a sweeping generalization. It is applying a
general rule to a specific occasion without appropriate evidence. While the
opposite of the sweeping generalization is hasty generalization is applying a
specific rule to a general situation without proper evidence.
Proximity - nearness to something
Patron- a wealthy person who supports an artist or writer
secular- worldly,not religious
Classical- relating to the civilization of ancient Greece and Rome
Renaissance- a period of tremendous change that lasted from about 1300 to 1600