1) This type of conditioning is called classical conditioning. We learned that Jenny is always associating her room as a very cold environment. Because of this, she starts to <em>anticipate</em> this coldness that she even starts to shiver before she enters the room. Associating two events together is part of classical conditioning.
2) For this item, the type of conditioning shown is called operant conditioning. Operant conditioning is defined as having a change in behavior because of a reinforcement or a punishment. In this case, Jake is met with a punishment in the form of the ticket that's why his behavior changed.
3) This item is also an example of classical conditioning. Because you really disliked the sheep's brain, you started changing your behavior towards it that even something only <em>similar</em> to the brain makes you react unpleasantly. Here, you associated the brain (or the sight of something similar) to your very unpleasant experience in biology.
4) This one is another example of operant conditioning. Here, instead of being punished, you are offered a reinforcement in the form of a compliment. Because of this compliment, you decided to continue your haircut. Thus, the reinforcement successfully influenced your "behavior".
According to me it is true, because being open is very correlated to reasoning and being independent to self-esteem.
The history of the light bulb is filled with rivalry, failures and great achievements. The electric light bulb has been called the most important invention since man-made fire. The light bulb helped to establish social order after sundown, extended the workday well into the night, and allowed us to navigate and travel safely in the dark. Without the light bulb, there would be no nightlife. However, creating a steady and affordable source of illumination was not as easy as many history textbooks suggest. The modern light bulb is the result of many innovators' work and continuous improvements over 150 years.