<span>Socrates disagreed with the Sophists because the Sophists believed that their students should use their time to improve themselves. Socrates believed that an absolute truth existed within each each person. This was their main disagreement.
Here is another good source: https://quizlet.com/18534065/chapter-5-world-history-flash-cards/
If you shop online, you don't know whether the item that you're purchasing is real or fake and you won't know if it will arrive broken or intact while if you shop in a traditional environment, you will for sure know that the item your buying is 100 percent authentic and that it's in new condition.
The name of the biggest University system in Honduras is called <span>Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Honduras. The main difference between Puerto Rican Graduation ceremony and a United States graduation ceremony is that the language spoken in Puerto Rico is Spanish vs US which is English.</span><span />
Before the war, Chinese Americans were usually treated like everyone else. When Pearl Harbor happened, the Chinese Americans were rounded up and placed in internment camps, which was permitted with Executive Order 9066 signed by Franklin D. Roosevelt on February 19,1942. After the war, most placed began to become more tolerant towards Asian-Americans.
They were mostly founded for religion or to harvest raw materials