En 1527, Enrique intentó anular su matrimonio con Catalina de Aragón para casarse con Ana Bolena. ... Henry comenzó así la agitación religiosa y política de la Reforma inglesa. El Papa tenía poder sobre todos los estados católicos romanos y sus habitantes, pero Inglaterra ahora era independiente de su autoridad.
In 1527, Enrique tried to annul his marriage with Catherine of Aragon to marry Ana Bolena. ... Henry thus began the religious and political upheaval of the English Reformation. The Pope had power over all the Roman Catholic states and their inhabitants, but England was now independent of his authority.
They Thoguht most of the power should lie between with state government
Answer: 1620 is the year the Mayflower landed on North American land, whichc was the first european people on america
They wanted a quick return to the former power and glory of Germany.
Under the Truman Doctrine, the United States became committed to helping countries that were a) fighting a Communist takeover.