yea a easting disorder can have negative impact in your behavior and health the most common Eating Disorders are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating
there is a tiny meatball in my sock i fed it to a cat and he had a muscle spasm
The thymus lies in the chest behind the breastbone and above the heart. Relatively large in infancy, it increases in size until puberty and thereafter shrinks to only a few grams in old age.
number 1 i believe is the righ answer
ain't mine, but I find this very funny.
A professor was traveling by a boat. On his way, he asked the sailor, "do you know biology, zoology, geography, physiology?" The sailor said no to all his questions.
Professor: "What the hell do you know on this Earth? You will die if illiteracy. After a while the boat started sinking. The sailor asked the professor, "Do you know swiminology and escapology from sharkology?" The professor said no.
Sailor: "well, sharkology and crocodiology will eat your assology, headology, and you will dieology because of your mouthology"