Depending on the data all answers can be used to make it easier to read. Without more info I would go with Borders (D) since they are the best way to group the data when printed, especially if the print is in color.
Alignment would be the correct answer only if the data goes out of cell boundaries. Font Color usually makes it harder to read because of bad contrast and finally changing the Font Style has a minimal effect since the default one is already pretty readable.
Telecommunications is the electronic transmission of signals for communications, which enables organizations to carry out their processes and tasks through effective computer networks
Correctness is key. The other ones are optimizations at most. Although I would always include humor... ;-)
USMT (User State Migration Tool) is designed to assist IT professional migrate
files to the windows OS. An example is a step by step migration of files and
settings from a windows XP environment to windows 8 using USMT. At the end of the day, you will have
LoadState a
ScanState to complete this end to end migration. The correct
order is as follows;
1. </span>
Gather Data Using the ScanState Tool</span>
</span>Install USMT
</span>Run ScanState to Create a Migration Store on the
</span>Install Windows
</span>Install Applications
</span>Apply Data Using the LoadState Tool
<span>a) </span>Install the USMT
<span>b) </span> Run LoadState
Every Samsung is an example of an Android but not every android is an example of a Samsung. Androids are all phones or devices that are not made by Apple.