Instruction in memory has two parts: opcode and operands. The operands are subjects of the operation, such as data values, registers, or memory addresses. Due to variety of opcodes and operands, instructions may occupy different sizes of bytes in memory
i dont have enough information to awnser this
A) Array of buttons for<u> quick access </u>to commonly used <u>commands and tools</u>: Tool bar
That's what most people will use most of the time, to quickly perform the most common tasks.
B) <u>List of commands</u> to create, format and edit presentations: Menu Bar.
When the features listed in the tool bar aren't enough, we go to the Menu system, which lists all the features of the program.
C) <u>Provides info</u> about current slide<u> at the bottom</u> of the slide: Status Bar.
The status bar is always located at the <u>bottom of the screen</u>.
D) <u>Provides navigation</u> through the slides: Scroll bar.
Where you can scroll down and up your slides.
bring your own devices
"bring your own devices" paradigm is getting popular since organizations are increasingly allowing users to perform work tasks <em>on their own</em> personal devices, It is preferred because of the benefits and ease for the user. On the other hand, this paradigm opens several security risks.
For example processing sensitive data on personal devices creates risks in case of data recovery or if the device is stolen or lost.
Additionally, <em>control and monitoring</em> of organizational data is harder when users allowed to work on their personal devices. Thus <em>data leakage</em> and <em>public exposure</em> can happen more easily.