Seeing as Peter is male, he's seeing a counselor (which indicates mental/emotional/psychological issues) and has been referred to a urologist, I'd say his problem is erectile dysfunction, or choice #2.
Rays having same endpoint E but not in the opposite directions are ED and EC. This pair of rays meet at point E having different directions.
Answer: glycogen is insoluble in water
Glycogen is a better storage of glucose because Glycogen is insoluble in water thus, because of the glycosidic linkages. Storing glucose as glycogen will not upset the osmotic pressure rather than glucose which is soluble in water and if it is stored as glucose it will disturb the osmotic pressure making the solution hypertonic that will cause the cell to lyse.
The glucose from glycogen is readily mobilized and is therefore a good source of energy when needed rather than free floating glucose
Answer: The central nervous system (CNS) is the collection of neurons that make up the brain and the spinal cord. The peripheral nervous system (PNS) is the collection of neurons that link the CNS to our skin, muscles, and glands. Neurons are specialized cells, found in the nervous system, which transmit information