Your answer would be B. He's talking about not being able to prove his age because he hasn't never seen a real record of his birth or anything else that would give him an idea of how old he is, so no real way to actually prove it.
Mankind consciousness about Universe and God
Throughout the time mankind have experienced hard times, wars, regarding values, religions and traditions. Nowadays we have experienced clearly stream of consciousness style. We have seen people learning Yoga, Meditation, True contact with yourself and God. Respecting the Universe, God, Mother Nature. This is a tendency of the last days of humanity.... to go to God.
In a room.
From the poem, we can see that she is in a room, perhaps at night because it is indicated that she came into a room and she was described as kindling the narrator and they "wake up glowing" which could be in a literal or figurative way.
<u>When she comes slip-footing through the door,
<u>she kindles us
<u>like lump coal lighted,
<u>and we wake up glowing.
<u>She puts a spark even in Papa’s eyes </u>
<u>and turns out all our darkness.
<u>When she comes sweet-talking in the room,
<u>she warms us </u>
<u>like grits and gravy,
and we rise up shining.
Even at night-time Mama is a sunrise
that promises tomorrow and tomorrow.</u>
<u>Mama Is A Sunrise</u> by Evelyn Tooley Hunt.
The first line shows that people were forcefully woken up and were frightened. Then, the third line, with the use of the word lair shows that the character being spoken about could be an antagonist. Finally, the use of the word slaughter shows that the character being spoken of is, indeed not good.
The best answer for this question would be:
The music symbolizes pleasure and relaxation, so it brings a
quietly comfortable, contented mood to the poem.
Music stimulates the emotions of people that listen to it,
when attach to other artstic aspects like poetry it enhances the overall mood.