The languages spoken in the Caribbean are mostly either European langauges (which shows that those areas were conquered by Europeans) or European-based creoles (which shows that the conquest was more "messy" than in the US: there was less strict connection with the European countries and more mixing among peoples).
Indigenous languages are no longer spoken(or by very few people), which shows the fate of the indigenous people there...
Just like think of what they have in common and what they don't have in common
Pocket book
Pockerbook votes can be define as vote that help someone financially as in the case of Susan's were she voted for every incumbent on the ballot because of the financial gain she received.
Susan has the believe that all her candidates will benefit her financially in term of money since she had already received 25% raise .
touched of the debate about psychotherapy's effectiveness when he summarized 24
studies of psychotherapy outcomes</span>
<span>Hans Jürgen Eysenck, PhD, DSc was a German-born psychologist who spent
his professional career in Great Britain. He is best remembered for his work on
intelligence and personality, though he worked in a wide range of areas within