Breast tenderness would be considered a presumptive sign of pregnancy.
The fertilization of sperm and ovum occurs at ampulla isthmic junction of fallopian tube. This ovum travels to the uterus and joins with the uterus for further development. Two weeks after the fertilization or conception, pregnancy is said to begin.
This is accompanied with missed periods or menstruation. Other important presumptive signs include nausea, vomiting, breast tiredness, back pain, poor sleep etc. In humans, the pregnancy or gestational period lasts for around 40 weeks or 80 days. Estrogen, progesterone and human chorionic gonadotropin are the three hormones that rise at the start of pregnancy.
Estrogen regulates progesterone and increases blood flow while progesterone prepares the uterus for implantation of fertilized ovum. The third hormones indicates the creation of placenta.
Learn more about presumptive sign of pregnancy -
sadness, feeling the low mood, mood swings, loss of interest, loss of libido, feel helpless, worthless, hopeless these all are the indications of depression in which person lost his interest in activities. Depression interferes with the daily routine activity, day to day life activities, become an obstacle in person daily activities
According to freud's theory, melissa's <u>"id"</u> would tell her to grab the doll and keep it as her own whereas her<u> "superego"</u> would tell her that taking another girl's doll would be wrong.
The id is the impulsive (and oblivious) some portion of our mind which reacts straightforwardly and quickly to the impulses. The identity of the infant tyke is all id and just later does it build up a ego and super-ego.
The superego's capacity is to control the id's driving forces, particularly those which society disallows, for example, sex and hostility. It likewise has the capacity of convincing the sense of self to swing to moralistic objectives as opposed to just practical ones and to take a stab at flawlessness.
A humanistic therapist
A humanistic therapist uses a mental health approach to address a patient health issues by emphasizing the need for the patient to base the solution of their health problems based on their own self grown solution such that the idea of the way to experience the most fulfilled existence is by being ones true self is properly conveyed. The guidance from humanistic therapy limits and influences the patients choices and acts to resolve their health issues based on the following concepts.
1) Self actualization
2) Ultimate experiences
3) Free will
4) Needs hierarchy
5) Full functional being
6) Person-centered medical treatment.