The answer to the statement: At rest, most of the body´s blood supply resides in the pulmonary loop, would be, B: False.
The circulatory system never stops working. Pumping of blood, transportation of oxygen, nutrients and water to and from tissues is a process that does not end, even during sleep. The only moment when this process does not happen, is in death. However, a good question is, where does the blood go, or stay, when the body is not active, like for example, during sleep. And the answer is that most of it will rest on the systemic veins and venules and will slowly circulate back to the heart, but at a much lower rate than when the body activates itself. However, what is not true is that blood will reside mostly in the pulmonary loop, because this loop does not have the capacity to store that much blood.
The blood clots are built up blood that has been sitting in our uterus during our ovulation time. Our period is basically our uterus preparing for a baby (which we don’t have) so all the blood lines up on the uterus line until it’s our time of month.
Because sepsis is the body's extreme response to an infection. It is a life-threatening medical emergency. Sepsis happens when an infection you already have triggered a chain reaction throughout your body. Infections that lead to sepsis most often start in the lung, urinary tract, skin, or gastrointestinal tract. Bowel Perforation can cause the abdomen to spill out its contents thus causing an infection and triggering all the symptoms this 30 y/o woman has.