By analyzing a short story or novel, you gain a better understanding of the story. You also acquire a better appreciation of fiction and literature. And, you can learn how the writer used the elements of fiction and various literary techniques, such as simile, metaphor, and imagery to create a memorable story. Analyzing fiction will also help you learn how to write your own stories.Here is how to analyze a work of fiction:Plot. Setting. It refers to the time, place, and social and historical context.Characters. It refers to the protagonist, villain, and secondary characters in the story.Theme. It refers to the main idea of the story. Sensory images are word pictures that appeal to one or more of the senses, such as sight, taste, smell, touch, and hearing.What Symbolism. The author uses a symbol to mean something other than its literal meaning.Style and Tone. Style refers to the writer’s choice of language and the sentence types and structures. The tone refers to writer’s attitude toward the subject and readers. Figurative Language. The writer uses language to mean something other than its literal meaning, in order to produce a special effect or new meaning. Popular types of figurative language are simile, metaphor, and personification.
June 2nd
Today when I was going to school, I saw some kids bullying a defenseless kitten. It was alone and desperately crying for its mother. The kids were scaring it, jumping near it, or passing it through the air from one kid to the other. I got mad and stepped in front of the kitten, and in an angry tone, I told them to leave the kitten alone. As I was older than them, they immediately obeyed me. When I came back from school, I picked it. Now it lives with me.
In a diary entry, a person writes about an experience, feelings, things that he or she likes or dislikes, goals, reflections, and problems. It usually has a date. The entries can be daily or sporadically, every person has a different way to use a diary, and they are not to share with other people.
As regards the language, it is informal. The entry can be directed to the diary, starting with dear diary, as if it was a letter, or it can be a narrative where the person writes about an experience or thoughts.
Well I wish that Daisy would have called Gatsby that day and ran away with him. This would have changed the ending of Gatsby being murdered by Wilson. But since the beggining of their story Gatsby should have left Daisy alone when he found out she had married tom
Fire is an important symbol in Frankenstein for many reasons.
1. Dr Frankenstein is compared to a 'modern Prometheus': Prometheus, in Greek mythology, gave fire (which symbolized knowledge) to humans and then suffered an eternal punishment for that. Frankenstein is trying to bring his own gift of knowledge (life) to humanity but his life is also ruined through this process.
2. Fire also is something that has two sides, each that can help or hurt. Building a fire can create warmth and light, but too much of it can cause death and destruction. This is also shown through Frankenstein's creation of the monster. Think of the saying "playing with fire".
(In a more specific instance, when the monster realizes that fire can destroy he uses it as a weapon (burning the villager's cottage) )
3. Fire also represents passion and desire. Both Frankenstein and the monster possess this fire--Frankenstein for knowledge and creation, the monster for acceptance. This fuels both of their efforts through the novel.
E. write threatening letters to people who owed her money