The House chooses one of the top candidates as president and the Senate chooses for vice president
A warning will not affect anything on your account. Any answer that you post that is not school related will be deleted and that counts as a warning. I have had many warnings but nothing has changed on my account.
<u>Limited governments</u> have legal restrictions imposed on their powers. Examples of these governments include the United Kingdom and <u>Germany.</u> The citizens of these countries enjoy <u>basic</u> rights such as freedom of speech and the press. However, <u>unconfined governments</u> don’t face any legal restrictions on their powers. As a result, the citizens of these governments often experience human rights violations.
Answer:To simplify finding the law, most all statutes are organized by subject in a set of books called a code. The body of statutes that comprises the criminal law is often referred to as the criminal code, or less commonly as the penal code.
The driver facing downhill must yield to the driver facing uphill so C