Stimulus generalization
Stimulus generalization in psychology, can be defined as an occurrence whereby an individual tends to respond to a stimuli the same way the individual responded to a previous similar stimuli.
For example, the painful experience on Jasmine's recent visit to the doctor who gave her a painful injection has made her to refuse going to the same doctor. Not only does Jasmine respond to this same doctor, but also responded in the same way towards any other doctor or dentist by refusing to see anyone of them.
Jasmine's refusal behavior is an example of <em>stimulus generalization.</em>
I believe the answer is: behavioral tendencies
behavioural tendencies refers to the uncontrolled behaviour that is untrained and often arise under a certain situation without we being aware of it.
This type of tendencies are integrated within our brain as a form of survival mechanism. Examples of behavioural tendencies would be the fact that we become extremely cautious when we experience a spike in adrenaline that increase our response and concentration when we feel that we're in danger.
Bulimia and anorexia are eating disorders, which are largely caused by social pressure. In the media we always see perfect women / men, with incredible bodies and this is extremely harmful to our mental health as a whole. They are diseases caused by a pattern of beauty that often only exists in the media, it is a reality that affects many young people who believe that they must be in that standard to be accepted.
One of the most toxic environments for young people lately is <u>Instagram</u>, where perfect bodies and perfect lives are displayed, this generates great pressure on people and not to fit in there is not being enough. I believe that the culture of the media and the life of social networks, this pressure exists in any culture that uses technological means, because that is what technology generates.
B) Approximately 60% of Georgia's population lived in urban areas and 40% lived in rural areas.
Because of the war, farming efforts were decreased. The farmers sold their farms to defense manufacturers. They voluntarily left to work in urban centers because the pay was better.
La colonia estaba en crisis y una invasión española terminaría seguramente destruyéndola. Con el fin de evitar esto, Oglethorpe reunió a las fuerzas a su cargo y, tras aliarse con el jefe Ahaya de los Seminola, lanzó una serie de incursiones en territorio español. Cosechó algunos éxitos e incluso sitió la fortaleza de San Agustín, pero la llegada de refuerzos españoles procedentes de La Habana le obligó a volver a territorio británico. La tan temida invasión española llegó en 1742, aunque tras una serie de escaramuzas en la isla de St. Simmons conocidas como la Batalla de Bloody Marsh, Oglethorpe consiguió que los españoles se retirasen haciéndoles creer que estaba a punto de recibir un gran número de refuerzos procedentes de Carolina. La guerra quedó entonces en punto muerto en el frente norteamericano y Oglethorpe consiguió el rango de General de División en 1745. Sin embargo, este éxito se vio empañado por la acusación de ser partidario de los rebeldes jacobitas, lo que le costó un juicio militar del que fue absuelto, y las continuas críticas de los colonos, que le obligaron a restituir la esclavitud finalmente en 1750. En 1765 fue ascendido a General, rango que ostentaría hasta su muerte en Cranham, Inglaterra, en 1785.