Shi Huangdi's treatment of opponents diminish his success because he used to kill hundreds of educated people that read Confucianism papers.
Shi Huangdi is the founder of the Chinese Qin dynasty that unified China. He has quite a degree of success with the unification of the territories, the construction of roads to increase the trade and the sort of stability during his tenure.
The history of West Africa has been commonly divided into its prehistory, the Iron Age in Africa. The first communities in West Africa were made up of extended families. An extended family included your parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins. These groups may be as many as 20-25 people and usually, the group was lead by a male elder.
That was an amazing question.
The similarity between Tubman and Douglass is that they both were former slaves who fought against the practice of slavery in their own different ways.
Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglass are people who fought against slavery in America in their own ways.
Tubman suffered the hardships of slavery from childhood and later she actively participated in the secret escape operations of the slaves.
The underground rail tunnel network was crucial in the journey of American slaves to freedom.
Tubman conducted almost 13 rescue missions and helped about 70 people escape and she was called the Moses which meant saviour.
Frederick Douglass was the leader of abolishment movement in the New York and Massachusetts. He began participating in the movement after escaping from slavery. He was an excellent orator and writer who actively fought to abolish slavery.
what are you refering to good sir?
The answer is faster, smaller