biden did more in 8 hours then trump did in 4 years. he really said put the USA in rice
D. ratifying amendments to the constitution
lo siento, realmente no lo sé
hymns were finally being sung in their native tongues. Difference in
accompaniment was felt. Instrumentation was either grander, or more
restricted. Music was being used as a teaching tool like the sermon.
Also, people saw an influx in creativity due to more common songs being
used in services. The Reformation in Germany and the surrounding nations
saw a vast distinction on available hymns and psalms due to the
openness and variations in their Reformation. However, due to its unique
beginnings, music saw different effects that are evident from the
Reformation. Mainly that being the openness to instrumentation in
services. This led to a long legacy of compositional work from the
nations affected. </span>
Probably answer you're looking for: KOREA
The policy of containment focused on keeping communism and the Soviet Union's influence limited, rather than by trying to confront the Soviet Union directly or eliminate communism completely. It influenced US foreign policy by prompting intervention in places like Korea to stop the spread of communism.
When 90,000 North Korean troops crossed the 38th Parallel and attacked South Korea on June 25, 1950, the United Nations and the United States both went into action. An emergency session of the UN Security Council was held -- from which the Soviet Union was absent because the USSR was boycotting the UN over the exclusion of communist China from the organization. Truman announced to the American people that he was authorizing sending US troops to prevent South Korea from being overtaken by communism. The UN Security Council met again and approved a US resolution approving the use of force against North Korea. Military forces in the Pacific theater, based in Japan, were deployed in the effort. There was no formal declaration of war by the US Congress, but Congress did vote to extend the draft and also authorized the president to call up military reserve personnel for duty.