A child's gender (male or female) is determined by the chromosome that the male parent contributes.
Females have XX sex chromosomes.
Males have XY sex chromosomes.
A male infant results if the male contributes his Y chromosome while a female infant results if he contributes his X chromosome.
We have to conserve water because we need it live.
We use water to clean ourselves, drink, and use in foods.
<span>HWE is used with COIDS and non CODIS eligible DNA profiles to provide statistical caluclations for the rarity or uniqueness of profiles. Each STR kit test for a certian number of loci. Each lous has a set ladder of observed alleles. Each of these alleles has value for its observed frequency in a population. It is the rarity of each allele at each location that will give you the value for rarity of the profile as a whole. This rarity fo the profile is calucalted in CODIS under certian circumstances using to determine the eligibilty of a partial profile or a forensic mixture to determine its eligiblity for the different leves of the database.</span>
Classrooms and Corridors: People rushing, locker doors, loose school items
On the territory surrounding the school: Rocks, trees, animals?, if not animals then: people
In the school: people, doors, bathrooms(no cameras)
In the settlement: People, doors, rocks
if an earthquake happens get in a doorframe and/or get on the ground and put your hands over your neck.
You should follow the teacher or staff's instructions
If you are alone find other people
(YOU KNOW THE NUMBERS i cant tell you)
Polytene chromosomes may be defined as the giant chromosomes that contain alternate dark and light bands when view under the microscope. These chromosomes are found in the salivary gland of Drosophila.
These glands are functionally highly active and contain thousand of DNA strands. These chromosomes are aligned parallel with each other as the replication is normal but the cells are unable to separate and fails to undergo the process of cytokinesis.