An internal skeleton is used to help an organism hold its body up and keep from falling, while a stem stores nutrients, and produces new living tissue, and transports fluids.
filiform papillae
The filiform papillae, also called conical papillae, are sensory receptors distributed on two thirds of the lingual dorsum. They are the most abundant papillae on the surface of the tongue and are not associated with taste reception because they have the smallest number of taste receptors.
These papillae are arranged fairly evenly in rows parallel to the central groove of the tongue, especially in the center and back. These papillae are made up of connective tissue and an epithelium that expresses keratin, a protein present in people's skin, hair and nails.
Heart Blood vessels. (Arteries, Capillaries, and Veins)
i pretty sure its Cytokinesis and Spindle Fibers.