I can cinda relate to all of them but not the last one
I understand what you mean it's confusing and frustrating some time's
Girls are more forced to fit societal expectations in nearly every regard. the education system could be just as strict on dress code and behavioral issues on boys as they are on girls.
my own metaphors is " African men are irons"
This simply means that African men are strong.
But when someone gives a literal meaning to the sentence, the person may think that African men are made of irons, instead of human flesh, or that African men are very rigid and heavy. Such person may also assume a robot made of iron, to be an African man.
To understand this, the person has to give it a critical thinking, in these way;
•for anything to be called a man, that means it should be a living human.
• Iron are strong metals, that are very difficult to break.
• Therefore for an African man to be an iron, that means an African man will be very difficult to break, which simply means that African men are strong.
In this acculturation we also understand the levels of function in the society.
The family unit is the first experience of a person with the society.
They learn the difference between kin and the society and how to behave among people who are not part of the family and how the interaction between the two is dictated.
We also learn the structures of the society through the family itself. The elders often have more say than the young and there is a commanding respect of the bread earners in the family and the children are in a sense being trained to be a part of the society.
They would be diagnosed more with the common flu or common or current virus like anitbacterial