A dictionary gives the definition of a word, but also its use/functions (like noun, verb, adjective, and so on).
'n' stands for 'noun', to save space. It doesn't save much into a single entry (usually found once or twice)... but if you multiply that by 60 000 or 80 000 words in the dictionary, that sums up to a large number of characters saved... which translate into pages.
Elie's father dies in Chapter 8 when he is taken to the crematorium while Elie is asleep. Chlomo's health progressively deteriorates during their long march to Buchenwald so that he is barely alive, yet Elie desperately keeps him from dying
There are a couple ways this could be worded, here is 2
Father convicted of manslaughter has strenuous financial situation placed on family.
Convicted of manslaughter, father of 2 forced to pay off trust fund putting his family in financial strain.