By the late 1800s, huge ranches had developed in Texas. One factor that led to their growth was changes in the railroads. In the 1860s, most rail lines ended north of Texas, so cattle had to be driven to them. In the 1880s, rail lines were extended into the state.
Accused person have the right to request a witness to APPEAR IN COURT.
The Sixth Amendment of the United States granted some rights to an accused person and these include the right of the person to know the person or group of persons who have brought accusations against him. The accused also have the right to request that his accusers should appear in court and this request must be granted by the accusers.
The Greek city-states had highly developed their artwork during the period prior to the creation of the Roman Empire. This artwork could be appreciated in all of the constructions throughout Ancient Greece.
The Romans subsequently adopted the Greek style of architecture. After the fall of Rome and the founding of the Byzantine empire in 330 CE, the Greek architectural style continued to maintain its predominance over other styles of art as it is evidenced in the temples and buildings located in the city of Constantinople, which served as the capital of the empire.
A) Propersity due to high employment rates and a doubling of disposable income.