The first are the grass,mouse,rabbit, and goat
A. Molecular changes such as extracellular signals on extracellular ligands can result in quick changes in cell behaviour. One example is insulin. Upon insulin binding on the receptor on the cell membrane, the cell release GLUT4 transporters (for muscle cells) to increase uptake of glucose.
B. Slow changes in cell behaviour can be observed for other lipophilic hormones or intracellular receptors such as glucocoortoid or estrogen which reacts with receptors in the cells.
C. Insulin is required to maintain a constant blood glucose level and hence levels of insulin has to be mediated in correspondence to the blood glucose levels. Fast acting signalling is thus required for homeostasis of blood glucose levels. Where for such lipophilic hormones such as steriods, glucocortoid, these hormones tend to have a longer lasting effect and hence results in a slow change.
Atomic radius is the distance from the atom's nucleus to the outer edge of the electron cloud. In general, atomic radius decreases across a period and increases down a group. Across a period, effective nuclear charge increases as electron shielding remains constant.
músculo cardíaco
Los 3 tipos de tejido muscular son 1-músculo cardíaco o miocardio (involuntario), 2-músculo liso (involuntario) y 3-músculo esquelético (voluntario). Las células del músculo cardíaco, las cuales son conocidas como 'miocardiocitos', poseen una apariencia estriada y forman la pared del corazón. Los miocardiocitos son alargados, ramificados, y poseen un núcleo central (son células uninucleadas, a diferencia de las células del músculo esquelético, las cuales son multinucleadas). Además, los micardicitos son más cortos (80 a 100 µm) y más anchos (aprox. 15 µm) que las células del músculo esquelético. Los miocardiocitos presentan uniones especializadas conocidas como discos intercalares, los cuales son un tipo de complejo de unión entre los límites de dos cardiomiocitos. En el citoplasma de los cardiomiocitos se encuentran las miofibrillas, las cuales son estructuras contráctililes que les confieren a las células musculares sus propiedades características de contracción y de elasticidad. En estas células (cardiomiocitos) las miofibrillas se disponen de manera longitudininal con un patrón estriado.
c. If the double helix were unwound, each nucleotide along the two parent strands would form a hydrogen bond with its complementary nucleotide.
According to the Watson-Crick model, two DNA strands are held together by complementary base pairing wherein each nucleotide of one DNA strand forms hydrogen bonds with its complementary nucleotide present in the other strand. During DNA replication, two DNA strands are separated by the action of helicases enzymes.
The separated DNA strands serve as a template for DNA replication. Here, each nucleotide of the template DNA strand binds to its complementary nucleotide by hydrogen bonds. For example, adenine of the template strand forms two hydrogen bonds with thymine while guanine forms three hydrogen bonds with cytosine.