The poem Tattoo by Greg Shapiro is about being a survivor. It was written about his father living through the holocaust.
The tattoo represents this experienced lived by his father in the Holocaust where any individual detained in the inhumane imprisonments was given a tattoo of a number.
The answer is: "The PRIMARY principle of PANTHEISM is that God is the entire universe and all things and beings within it. In other words, God is ubiquitous.
Pantheism derives from the Greek and it is a combination of "pan" that means "everything", and "theos" that means "God". Pantheism is the belief that everything is part of an omnipotent God, so, divinity and reality are the same thing.
I think it is:
Sarah opened her drawer took out the new stationary set. Now that she has finished her chores, she can spend some time writing a letter to her friend Cade. Cade had just moved to a new city a few months ago, but Sarah felt as if he had been gone for a year. Fortunately, they both love writing letters. They even put their own creative touch, a sketch, at the bottom of each letter. They were determined that their friendship would last even if they were far away from each other.
Something like that. I hope this helps.
The correct way to list the source in your References list is:
Muntean, C. I. (2011). Raising engagement in e-learning through gamification. Paper presented at the 6th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2012, Babes-Bolyai University, Romania. Retrieved from h t t p : / / i c v l . e u / 2 0 1 1 / d i s c / i c v l / d o c u m e n t e / p d f / m e t / I C V L _ M o d e l s A n d M e t h o d o l o g i e s _ p a p e r 4 2 . p d f
To avoid plagiarism it is necessary to make a reference list to give the deserved credit to the original authors as well as the people who have referred to this original source before in case that we are not quoting the original paper directly, following the structure of the APA format the information will be presented as it is arranged in the answer.
The answer is Did you hear the denver Broncos won the Monday Night Football game? The poor kansas City Chiefs can never catch a break.
To select an answer, adhere to the requirements of standard written English, paying close attention to grammar, word choice, and sentence construction. Choose the response that results in the most effective sentence; your response should make the sentence clear, precise, and free of grammatical errors.
What is sentence correction English?
- The image below depicts the outcome of the sentence correction process in English.
- Sentence correction, also known as sentence improvement, is a type of grammatical practice in which a sentence is given with a word or phrase that needs to be changed or improved. To gain a better understanding of a sentence, it must be modified grammatically and contextually.
To learn more about sentence correction English visit: